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·41 ·       史  学  月  刊             2003 年   第 9 期 试论两宋进士前三名遴选中的异常现象 杨 寄 林 (河北师范大学 历史文化学院 ,河北 石家庄 050091) [ 关键词] 两宋 ;进士前三名 ;遴选 ;科举制度 [摘 要] 在两宋对进士前三名 ———状元、榜眼、探花的遴选过程中 ,其他诸多因素也掺杂渗透进来 ,造成 了 12 种异常现象 ,彼此间还呈现出错综复杂的糅合状态与互动关系。这些既从最高层面上体现出个别做法 的可取性 ,更在终极范围内暴露出科举取士的严重弊端 ,并显现出某些具有周期性的嬗变规律。 [ 中图分类号] K244 ;D691. 3 = 44  [ 文献标识码] A  [ 文章编号] (2003) Abnormal Phenomena in Deciding the High Position of the First Three Scholars in Imperial Civil Examinations from Northern Song to Southern Song Dynasties YAN G Jilin ( History and Cult ure College , Hebei Normal U niversity , S hijiaz huang 050091 , Hebei , Chi na) Key Words :Northern and Southern Song Dynasties ;the first three of the highest rank ;system of selecting officials by imperial ex aminations Abstract : In the process of deciding the high position of the first three in imperial civil examinations , other complicated factors al so interfered and infiltrated. Thus ,12 abnormal phenomena were generated ,which have complicated compound and mutual rela tionships with each other. Such abnormal phenomena could not only manifest the feasibility of special action but also reveal seri ous shortcomings in selecting talent people in imperial civil examinations. Meanwhile ,they also indicated some laws of periodical change of history. ·42 · ·43 · ·44 · ·45 ·


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