Model ReferenceAdaptive ControlSurvey of Control Systems课件.ppt

Model ReferenceAdaptive ControlSurvey of Control Systems课件.ppt

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Model Reference Adaptive Control Survey of Control Systems (MEM 800) Presented by Keith Sevcik Concept Design controller to drive plant response to mimic ideal response (error = yplant-ymodel = 0) Designer chooses: reference model, controller structure, and tuning gains for adjustment mechanism MIT Rule Tracking error: Form cost function: Update rule: Change in is proportional to negative gradient of MIT Rule Can chose different cost functions EX: From cost function and MIT rule, control law can be formed MIT Rule EX: Adaptation of feedforward gain MIT Rule For system where is unknown Goal: Make it look like using plant (note, plant model is scalar multiplied by plant) MIT Rule Choose cost function: Write equation for error: Calculate sensitivity derivative: Apply MIT rule: MIT Rule Gives block diagram: considered tuning parameter MIT Rule NOTE: MIT rule does not guarantee error convergence or stability usually kept small Tuning crucial to adaptation rate and stability. MRAC of Pendulum System MRAC of Pendulum Controller will take form: MRAC of Pendulum Following process as before, write equation for error, cost function, and update rule: MRAC of Pendulum Assuming controller takes the form: MRAC of Pendulum MRAC of Pendulum If reference model is close to plant, can approximate: MRAC of Pendulum From MIT rule, update rules are then: MRAC of Pendulum Block Diagram MRAC of Pendulum Simulation block diagram (NOTE: Modeled to reflect control of DC motor) MRAC of Pendulum Simulation with small gamma = UNSTABLE! MRAC of Pendulum Solution: Add PD feedback MRAC of Pendulum Simulation results with varying gammas LabVIEW VI Front Panel LabVIEW VI Back Panel Experimental Results Experimental Results PD feedback necessary to stabilize system Deadzone necessary to prevent updating when plant approached model Often went unstable (attributed to inherent instability in system i.e.


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