Module 5 My hometown and country 我的家乡与国家课件.pptVIP

Module 5 My hometown and country 我的家乡与国家课件.ppt

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二、Listening(听力) Welcome to Shanghai .It’s a ___ city on the Huangpo River near the East China____, and it has about ____ million people. When you come to Shanghai ,come and see the Bund. It’s a road next to the _____. It’s one and a half kilometres long (长1.5 千米) and there are ________ and old ______. Welcome to Hong Kong .It’s a _________ on the ______ of the South China ___ and it has a __________ of ______ million . When you come to Hong Kong ,come and climb(爬) Victoria Peak. It’s a high ____ and it’s 554 metres high. You can see the city below (在……下面). 三、形容词比较级Summary Ex.2 1.He is _____ _____his father. 他比他的父亲高。 2.Our classroom is ______ _____ yours. 我们的课室比你们的大。 3.The earth is ______ _____the moon. 地球比月亮大。 4.This lesson is ______ _____ that one. 这课比那课容易。 5.An elephant is _____ _____ a monkey. 一头大象比一只猴子强壮。 * * Module 5 My hometown and country 我的家乡与国家 Revision Unit 1 Module task: Making a poster comparing two cities or rivers in China Unit 1 Shanghai is bigger than Hong Kong 一、复习短语与句型。 1.华东_________华南_________华西___________华北____________ 2.外滩__________ 3.Victoria Peak_______________ 4.长1.5公里________________高554米___________________ 5.700万人___________________ 1300万人__________________ 6.你能回答我作业中的一些问题吗? 7.上海的人口是多少? 8.上海比香港更大吗? 9.一个更新的城市________________一个更古老的城市____________ 10.700年的历史_______________ 15岁_________________ East China South China West China North China the Bund 太平山 1.5 kilometres long 554 metres high 7 million people 13 million people Can you answer some questions for my homework? What’s the population of Shanghai? Is Shanghai bigger than Hong Kong? a newer city an older city seven hundred years old fifteen years old 注意:the population of 表示“人口” a large population 表示“人口众多” eg. China has a large population. North China 华 北 West China 华 西 East China 华 东 South China 华 南 A map of China 一幅中国地图 Hong Kong is


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