Module 11 Unit 1 Careers and skills课件.pptVIP

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Module 11 Unit 1 Careers and skills So many jobs to choose from! (1)______ Examples Features popular careers models, actors, (4) ________, businessmen so-called (7) _____ under huge pressure (2)______ environmental monitoring officers, (5)_______________ beer tasters, amusement park rides testers better suited to (8) ________________ interesting (3)______ shop assistants, drivers, (6) _________, cleaners look dull but (9) _________ ordinary but (10) _________ I. Fill in the blanks according to the text: Options more unusual jobs (3) everyday jobs (4) lawyers (5) fireworks display designers, (6) barbers (7) glamorous (8) one’s talents and interests (9) essential (10) vital Language points 1. (L1) The last year of high school is a time for hard work and also a time for reflection. (1) reflection – careful thought, or an idea or opinion based on this [consideration] 经考虑/深思 on / upon reflection 经过一番考虑后,她决定接受他的提议。 She decided on reflection to accept his offer after all. reflect on Take some time to reflect on your successes and failures. 花点儿时间来反思你的成功与失败。 (2) reflection – something that shows what something else is like, or that is a sign of a particular situation The increase in crime is a reflection of an unsteady society. 犯罪增多是社会不稳定的反映。 (3) one’s reflection in the water/mirror She could see her face _________ in the cars windshield. 月亮反射太阳光。 The moon reflects the sun’s rays. Language points The rising crime rate reflected The children were having fun, chasing each other’s __________________ . shadow. Language points 2. (L3) I am going to discuss some the options available to you and whether popular careers, more unusual jobs or everyday jobs are better suited to you. 我将谈论一些你可以选择的工作以及哪种工作更适合你,热门工作、特殊工作还是普通工作。 他没什么选择余地。 There weren’t many options available to him. Im keeping all my options open for the moment. 我暂时不做决定/选择。 These people have no option but to take low paid work. have no option/choice/alternative but to d


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