Part II课件.ppt

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Part II Ways of translating some sentence patterns Passive voice Attributive clauses Adverbial clause Passive voice English passive sentences are translated into Chinese active ones. English passive sentences are translated into Chinese passive ones with words of “遭受”or “被”. English passive sentences are translated into Chinese sentences with words of “把”,“由”or“让”. A. English passive sentences are translated into Chinese active ones. 46. ‘I’ve got something to tell you,’ Harry began, but they were interrupted by Fred and George…(Book 3, Chapter 5) “我有事要告诉你。”哈利开口说,但弗雷德和乔治进来打断了他们…… 47. His aunt and uncle never spoke about them, and of course he was forbidden to ask questions. (Book 1, Chapter 2) 姨父姨妈从来不提他们,当然也不准他问。 B. English passive sentences are translated into Chinese passive ones with words of “遭受”or “被”. 48. Harry tried to argue back but his words were drowned by a long, loud belch from the Dursleys’ son, Dudley. (Book 2, Chapter 1) 哈利想反驳,但他的话被表哥达力一声又长又响的饱嗝淹没了。 49. Sir Cadogan had been sacked. His portrait had been taken back to its lonely landing on the seventh floor, and the Fat Lady was back. (Book 3, Chapter 14) 卡多根爵士遭到了解雇。他的肖像被放回七楼寂寞的楼梯平台那里去了,胖夫人回来了。 C. English passive sentences are translated into Chinese sentences with words of “把”,“由”or“让”. 50. They let Harry out to use the bathroom morning and evening. Otherwise, he was locked in his room around the clock. (Book2, Chapter2) 他们每天早晚让哈利出来上厕所,其他时间都把他锁在屋里。 C. English passive sentences are translated into Chinese sentences with words of “把”,“由”or“让”. 51. ‘…And of course Potter has always been allowed an extraordinary amount of license by the headmaster.’ (Book3, Chapter21) “……当然,校长一贯让波特享有特别大的特权。” 52. So Harry had been brought up by his dead mother’s sister and her husband. (Book2, Chapter1) 所以,哈利是由她的姨妈和姨父养大的。 Attributive clauses There are three ways of treating attributive sentences. A. They are translated into attributive phrases with the word of “的”, placed in front of the nouns they modify. B.


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