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英语新闻常用语 经济 A share market A 股市场 active capital 流动资本 active trade balance; favorable balance; trade surplus贸易顺差 adverse trade balance; trade deficit 贸易逆差 all-out ban全面禁止 anti-corruption反腐败 assembly line 生产流水线 assembly man 议员,装配工 Advance (payment) 预付(款项) aid援助 all-inclusive总括 allocation of funds资金分配 assets 资产 assigned 过户 available capital 可用资产 average income 平均收入 balance of payments(国际)收支 balance of trade贸易差额 be responsible for ones own profit and loss自负盈亏 bilateral trade 双边贸易 boom(经济)繁荣,兴旺 bottom out走出低谷 boycott联合抵制 Bubble economy泡沫经济 Buyer’s market买方市场 black market黑市 bond;debenture债券 bottle up抑制 break暴跌 B to B(B2B)business to business (企业对企业;商家对商家) B to C (B2C)business to consumer(企业对消费者;商家对个 buffer fund缓冲基金;平准基金 bulk sale整批销售 business recession经济衰退 by-product副产品 capital flight资本外逃 capitalist economy资本主义经济 cargo handling capacity货物吞吐量 ceiling price最高限价 climb out经济复苏 confiscate没收;充公 cartel卡特尔 circulating capital;working capital流动资本 client;customer客户 closing price收盘 collective economy集体经济 commercial channels商业渠道 compensation赔偿;补偿 contingency fund意外开支 controlled economy 管制经济 convertible currencies 可自有兑换货币 cost成本 cost price 成本价 customs barrier; tariff wall 关税壁垒 customs 海关 customs duty 关税 daily turnover 日成交量 deflation通货紧缩 depreciation贬值 dividend股息,红利 doldrums 经济停滞 down payment 预付定金 dump; dumping倾销 dumping profit margin倾销差价 earnings 收益 economic sanction经济制裁 economic take-off 经济腾飞 embargo 禁 运 economic situation 经济形势 economic trend 经济趋势 export-oriented economy 外向型经济 economic globalization; economic integration经济全球化 fuel economic growth 拉动经济增长 fundamental realities of the country 基本国情 financial year; trading year 赌政年度 fiscal charges 财务税收 fixed assets 固定资产 fixed costs固定成本 floating debt流动债务 floating exchange rate浮动汇率 foreign exchange外汇 Free trade area自由贸易区 frozen assets冻结资产 frozen capital冻结资金 gross national product (GNP)国民生产总值 gross domestic product (GDP)国内生产总值 gray income灰色收入 great—leap-forward development跨越式发展 gross income;gross earnings总收入;总收益 gross profit;gross benefi


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