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逻辑关系总结 (1)并列:and; and also; or; neither… nor… ;either… or… ; in the same way;that is to say; similarly; likewise; equally; not only…but also…; as well as; same…as…; (2)转折:but; however; on the contrary; by contrast; on the other hand; unfortunately; yet; while; whereas; unlike; rather than; instead of; (3)递进:also; moreover; then; besides; in addition; additionally; furthermore; what is more; (4)因果:because; because of; for; since; as; therefore; consequently; hence; thus; so; accordingly; in that; so(such)…that…; due to; thanks to; as a result; in response to; with; for this reason; lead to; too…to…; (5)让步:although; though; even though; even if; nevertheless; despite; in spite of; no matter+疑问词 (6)条件: if; only if; 任何两句话之间的逻辑关系无外乎两种情况:顺接和逆接 顺接:并列、因果、递进、条件 逆接:转折、让步 结构 顺序:first-second-last of all; first-then; after/before/next to begin with-to continue/next; on one hand-on the other hand; for one thing-for another thing; one-another; some-others-still others; 举例:such as; for example; for instance; of these/those/them; among these/those/them; to illustrate; as an illustration; to make an example; more specifically speaking; namely; 总结:in all; in brief; in short; in a word; in conclusion; altogether; to sum up; to summarize; to conclude; to generalize; to put it in one word. (注意文章的总分结构或总分总结构,判断topic sentence)


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