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23 2 Vol123 No12 2009 4 GEOSC IENCE Apr12009 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 龚跃华 , 杨胜雄 , 王宏斌 , 梁金强 , 郭依群 , 吴时国, 刘广虎 ( 11, 510760; 21 , 266071) : , , , , , , ; ; , : ; ; ; : P7441 9 : A : 1000- 8527( 2008) 02- 02 10- 07 GasHydrateReservoir Characteristics of Shenhu Area, North Slope of the South China Sea 1 1 1 1 1 GONG Yue-hu , YANG Sheng-x iong , WANG Hong-bin , LIANG Jin-qi ng , GUO Y-i qun , 2 1 WU Sh-i guo , LIU Gu ng-hu ( 11Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510760, China; 21K ey Laboratory of M arineGeology and EnvironmentInstitute of ceanology, ChineseA cademy of Sciences, Qingdao, Shandong 266071, China) Abstract: A s type of new energy resource, g s hydr te is dr w ing more nd more ttention for its cle nness nd potenti l huge energy reserves, w hilst the rese rch on hydr te h s been developed. H ow ever, scientists p y less ttention on g s hydr te form tion mech nism bec use rel tive d t re poor. The g s hydr te form tion mech nism of Shenhu re , wh ich h d been surveyed for ne rly four ye rs by Gu ngzhouM r ineGeologic lSur- vey, is discussed in th is p per in the spects of subst nce source, g s tr nsporting condu it, conditions for for- m tion etc. The results suggest th t the huge source rocks formed in P leocene per iod in B iyun s g re the m in subst nce source, nd d i pirs re them in condu it for flu id tr nsport tion upw rds to form hydr tes in


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