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Course Description to Intercultural Communication Chinese name: 保密 English name: 保密 Email: 保密 Class email: 保密 Cell: 保密 Specific Course Goals Clarify special terms of intercultural communication Attach the terms to real-life intercultural situations Improve intercultural sensitivity and awareness Grasp intercultural communication strategies Increase sensitivity to Chinese culture and its impact on intercultural communication Format The course includes students’ involvement in two aspects Theoretically: understanding the roots and manifestations of intercultural communication mainly through class lectures. Practically: involved in class workshop including reading assignments, case analysis, group discussions and oral presentations. Calendar Suggested Readings Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter, Lisa A. Stefani, 2000, Communication Between Cultures, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. (跨文化交际学的Bible) 胡文仲,1999,《跨文化交际学概论》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社。 (短小精练,高度概括) 陈俊森、樊葳葳、钟华,2008,《外国文化与跨文化交际》,武汉:华中科技大学出版社。 (外语教学与学习中跨文化交际意识的培养) Linell Davis, 2001, Doing Culture: Cross-cultural Communication in Action,(《中西文化之鉴》 ), 北京:外语教学与研究出版社。 (老外的亲身经历,有丰富的第一手案例) 周仪,2003,《中国文化概论》,重庆大学出版社。 (高等学校英语专业系列教材,用英文撰写,系统介绍中国文化) 樊葳葳, 2009, 《跨文化交际视听说》, 北京:高等教育出版社。 (华中科技大学跨文化交际研究所编写,国内第一本跨文化交际视听说教材) Textbook Suggested movie lists Gua Sha ( The Treatment / Guasha Treatment) 刮痧 Crash 撞车 Outsourced 世界是平的 The Joy Luck Club 喜福会 Babel 通天塔 Terminal 幸福终点站 Mulan 花木兰 Pushing Hands 推手 The Wedding Banquet 喜宴 Drink Eat Man Woman 饮食男女 Assessment Final Test Format: essay writing Content: related to lectures and reading materials The Journal of IJIR 华工图书馆 外文数据库 Elsevier International Journal of Intercultural Relations 6 issues/yr Session 1 Culture, Communication, Intercultural Communication Importance of Intercultural Communication Why did you choose this course? Chances for IC are caused by globalization Spurring developmen


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