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关于我国政府信息公开制度的几点思考 赵威 (华侨大学人文与公共管理学院 福建 泉州) 政府行政改革要求政府改变职能, 要求政府信息共建共享, 建 政府信息公开制度政府信息公开制度的建 有其 理论基础和重要意义, 我国目前对政府信息公开的问题重视程度在逐渐加大, 但问题也还是存在的本文就我国政府信息公开 的现状进行探讨, 提出我国在政府信息公开方面存在的问题,并在此基础上提出解决措施 政府信息公开 知情权 观念转变 完善 法 W h at tim e is th ough t d eep ly abou t th at governm en t in form ation m ak es system kn own to th e pub lic. ZHAO Wei (Humanity and Common AdministrationA cademy, H uaqiao University. Quanzhou city of Fuj ian rovince) A b stract Thegovernment adm inistration reform requests the government changeworking talent. request a government s information namely to set up and share totally. build up thegovernment information public system. The government information opens an institutional establishment to have it theories foundation and mi portantmeaning, and our country carries on adm inistration reform towant to pay atten- tion to a governments information to open institutional construction equally. Our country currently to governments information publicprob- lem value degree at gradual enlargement, ut the problem also still ex ists. This text carries on a study for the information public present condition of the our country government, put forward theproblem in our country to exist in the government information public aspect, put forward solv ing measures combine to be on this foundation K ey word s Thegovernment information; The power to know what happened; Idea change; Perfect lawmaking : ,, , , 20, , , , , , , , , , () , , 1 , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , , ,, 2 , , , , , , , , , ,, , ,, , , () :


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