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( ) 2005 9 Jo urnal of Qiqih ar U niversit y( Phi So c Sci) September 2005 略论晚唐艳体诗的兴盛 ( 河北能源职业技术学院, 河北唐山063000) [ ] 晚唐; 艳体诗; 兴 [ ] 晚唐咸通之后, 艳情诗风靡一时一方面, 诗人们为避世和解忧而把心灵的寄托转向歌楼舞榭, 在苦 闷的心理中寻求感官的刺激以为排遣, 抒写风流缱绻的艳诗另外一方面, 社会风气极度腐化, 士风放诞无禁 艳诗的倡行其道就是受到这 一时期流连声色纵情逸乐的时风的影响最后, 晚唐时期功利注意文学退潮, 代 之而起的是重视表达 个人的内心世界, 由言经世之志转向缘 个人之情失去了诗教势力的管束, 艳诗在晚唐故 能倡行其道 [ ] I206 2 [ ] A [ ] 100 8- 263 8( 2005) 05 - 00 87 - 03 A brief discussion on prevalence of love- style poem in late tang dynasty ZHANG Aij un ( Hebei V ocational T echnical Institute o f Ener gy , T ang sh an 063000 , China) Key words: T he lat e T ang Dynast y; love- st yle poem in f low ery; prevalence Abstract: Af t er Xianto ng of the lat e T ang dynast y, lo ve poem s in f low ery became f ashionable f or a w hile On one h and , t he poet s turned t heir sp iritu al su st enance t o t he h al ls f or t he perf orm ance of so ng s and dances fo r escaping fro m reality and allaying sorrow s , t hey can seek sen sual st im ulat ion s in t heir depressed ment alit y t o divert themselves fro m loneliness or boredom, so t hey began to ex pr es s ro mant ic and t ender love poems in flo w ery in w riting On t he o ther h and , t he social m orale w as crit ically degenerat e, and the condu ct of scholar- of f icials w as unrest rained and w ild in speech and beh avior T he ramp ant lo ve- st yle poems in f low ery w er e just inf lu enced by t he mo ods o f the t imes of lingering on m usic and w omen and in dulging t hemselves in com for t and pleasure L ast ly , the utilit arianism lit er at ure in the lat e T ang Dy nasty w as ebbi


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