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How To Reverse Skin Damage? 如何修复皮肤损伤? Signs of sun damage to the skin include wrinkles, brown spots, an uneven complexion and a tough, leathery skin texture. 晒伤的迹象包括皮肤的皱纹、色斑、肤色不均以及粗糙的皮肤纹理。 Sun-damaged skin is the result of overexposure to ultraviolet, or UV, sunlight, which also can cause skin cancer. 晒伤的皮肤是皮肤过度暴露在紫外线或阳光下的结果,这样的紫外线和阳光也会导致皮肤癌。 If you have signs of sun-damaged skin, there are some things you can do to repair and even reverse the effects of too much sun. 如果你有皮肤晒伤的迹象,你可以做一些补救措施来修护甚至是逆转阳光带来的伤害。 Instructions 操作指南 1. Cleanse skin daily with a gentle cleaner and exfoliate at least twice a week with a gentle skin scrub. 每天用温和的洁面用品净化你的皮肤,一周至少用温和的去角质霜去角质。 Removing the dead cells on the outermost layer of the skin on a regular basis lets the skin underneath regenerate itself. 在定期去除皮肤表层死细胞的基础上让底层的皮肤再生。 2. Use sunscreen daily with an SPF of at least 15. 每天用防辐射至少15+以上的防晒霜。 According to Skin C, daily use of sunscreen can lower your long-term risk of skin cancer. 根据皮肤癌网显示,每天都使用防晒霜能够长期降低你患皮肤癌的风险。 Using sunscreen prevents additional sun damage, while it allows your skin to repair and reverse some of the damage thats already been done. 使用防晒霜不但能防止额外的晒伤,而且还修复和逆转了一些其他的皮肤伤害 3. Stay hydrated. 保持水分。 Drink plenty of water to moisturize skin from within. 喝大量的水让你的肌肤从内而外的充满滋润。 Use a moisturizer on the outside of your skin to hydrate, plump up skin cells and stimulate the production of collagen. 在皮肤表层涂一些乳液保湿,膨胀皮肤细胞以及促进胶原蛋白的产生。 4. Use a skin lightener on brown spots caused by the sun. 在那些晒斑上面涂一些美白产品。 Find a product that uses kojic acid with hydroquinone and retinol-A and a mild steroid to lighten discoloration. 找到一种用曲酸和视黄醇以及一种温和的类固醇为配方的淡化色素的产品。 5. See a dermatologist for treatments like photo-dynamic therapy, which uses light to remove patches of skin damaged by the sun, or microderm abrasion and other treatments that resurface the skin. 找一个皮肤科的医生做治疗,比如光动力疗法,它是使用激光去除太阳损伤的暗淡皮肤;或者用微晶换肤书及其他的疗法重现美好肌肤。 6. Take vitamins E, C and selenium and use lotions and skin creams that contain thes


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