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对外经济贸易大学2002年考研经贸专业英语试题 2008-11-19 19:19 考研教育网 【大 中 小】   本试题为英译中,共五段,每段二十分。   1.The True,Peaceful Face of Islam   There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world,and Islam is the worlds fastest-growing religion. If the evil carnage we witnessed on Sept. 11 were typical of the faith,and Islam truly inspired and justified such violence,its growth and the increasing presence of Muslims in both Europe and the U.S. would be a terrifying prospect. Fortunately,this is not the case.   The very word Islam,which means surrender,is related to the Arabic salam,or peace. When the Prophet Muhammad brought the inspired scripture known as Koran to the Arabs in the early 7th century A. D.,a major part of his mission was devoted precisely to bringing an end to the kind of mass slaughter we witnessed in New York City and Washington. Pre-Islamic Arabia was caught up in a vicious cycle of warfare,in which tribe fought tribe in a pattern of vendetta and counter-vendetta. Muhammad himself survived several assassination attempts,and the early Muslin community narrowly escaped extermination by the powerful city of Mecca. The Prophet had to fight a deadly war in order to survive,but as soon as he felt his people were probably safe,he devoted his attention to building up a peaceful coalition of tribes and achieved victory by an ingenious and inspiring campaign of non-violence. When he died in 632,he had almost single-handedly brought peace to war-torn Arabia.   Because the Koran was revealed in the context of an all-out war,several passages deal with the conduct of armed struggle. Warfare was a desperate business on the Arabian Peninsula. A chieftain was not expected to spare survivors after a battle,and some of the Koran injunctions seem to share this spirit. Muslims are ordered by God to slay [enemies] wherever you find them!。 Extremists such as Osama bin laden like to quote such verses but do so selectively. They do not include the exhortation to peace,which in almost every case follow these mo


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