Book 5 Unit 1 Great Scientists单元测试题.docVIP

Book 5 Unit 1 Great Scientists单元测试题.doc

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Book 5 Unit 1 Great Scientists单元测试题

Book 5 Unit 1 Great Scientists单元测试题 朱卫红 潘晓贞 单词拼写。 In __________ (conclude), I’d like to say how much I have enjoyed myself. His mother is ill, so he has to a_______ her. I tried to d_______ him but he was too much for me. Don’t e_______ yourself to the sun for too long. You will get burnt. This medicine c______ him of his cough. Aspirin is quickly ________ (absorb) into the body. Which driver was to b________ for the accident? It is __________ (announce) that Mr. Green and Miss White will be married at the end of the year. The teacher gave them ____________ (instruct) to arrive early tomorrow morning. she is very ____________ (谨慎的) of hurting his feeling. Li Ping was ___________ (拒绝) by the army because of her bad eyesight. He became _____________ (热情的,热心的) about helping others. Most people ____________ (捐献) some money towards the new church buildings. What makes you ____________ (怀疑) him of stealing the money? I turned the ___________ (把手) and opened the door. 选择短语填空。 put forward draw a conclusion link…to… expose…to… be absorbed in be to blame make sense apart from be strict with make up one’s mind The village __________________ the big town by a railway. This composition is good ________________ a couple of spelling mistakes. The plan _________________ by the old professor was well worth considering. We consider that you _____ not ___________ for the fault. We can?___________________?from her facial expression that she is pretty satisfied with the election result. Attracted by the beautiful scenery in Sanya, they __________________ to stay here for another few day. Usually, fathers __________________ us children. No matter how hard I tried to read it, the sentence didn’t _______________ to me. Tom ____________________ work and forget food and sleep. It’s very dangerous to ________________these viruses(病毒) without any protection. 课文填空。 John Snow—a doctor, 1_________ Queen Victory as her personal physician. But he was willing to help ordinary pe


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