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Gagarin is the first astro- naut to go into space in the world. Yang Liwei is the first China astronaut. 朗读对话,译出下列重点词组。 1.正在干 10.来回 2.太空旅行的模型 11. 对某事了解很多 3.把某物给某人看 12.太空旅行作业 4.最新的新闻 13.去过月球 5.把飞船发送到火星 14.去了某地 6.数月 15.因公出差 7.在火星上发现生物 16.把……带回 8.把它给他们看 17.在太空站工作 9.还没有 18.乘宇宙飞船 作业: 1.复习本单元所学知识点。 2.预习unit 2新单词,做到会读、了解意思即可。 3.完成workbook part 1and 2. 4. A: _____ you _____ to Sydney? B: No, I _____never_____ there. 5. Mr Smith ___________ Shanghai on business, he’ll be back tomorrow. Have been have been has gone to 3. Mary____never _____to the Great Wall. been has 6. They_____ ______ to that village several times. been have * Module 3 Journey to space spacecraft Mars 火星 Unit 1 Has it arrived yet? stars ---What can you see in space at night? ---Many many stars. These stars are called the suns. There are more than 200 billionstars in our galaxy. Earth Mars Solar system universe planets Milky Way The earth is a planet, it goes aroundthe Sun from west to east like a top (陀螺 ). We have one Earth. We should protect our earth. ---Because it doesn’t have an environment with air. Arm Strong from the United States is the first person who landed on the Moon. So, people and things can’t grow there. ---Has he found any life on the Moon? ---No, he hasn’t. ---Why? Yuri Gagarin 加加林 From Russia/the Soviet Union前苏联俄罗斯人 捷列什科娃 前苏联俄罗斯人 From Russia/the Soviet Union Tereshkova is the first wo- man astronaut in the world Tereshkova Arm Strong 阿姆斯特朗 From the United States Arm Strong is the first person who landed on the moon. Yang Liwei From China spacecraft How do astronauts go into space? They may take a spacecraft. The Shenzhou 5 spacecraft Yang Liwei 2003-10-10. The Shenzhou 6 spacecraft 费俊龙 聂海胜 2005-10-14-17 The Shenzhou 7 spacecraft 刘伯明 景海鹏 翟 志 刚 2008-9-25 space shuttle Astronausts may also take the 航天飞机 space shuttle, and go there and back. sate


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