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MODULE 4 New technology If you want to record, press the red button. Unit 1 Zhengdian Middle School Xue Zhenli Learn the new words. press 按 lend (lent)(lent) 借 button 按钮 recorder 录音机 instruction 介绍 second 第二,秒 video 录像 playback 录音重放 video camera 录像机 come on 赶快 copy 复制,复印 lady 女士 memory 内存, 记忆 gentleman 先生 turn on 打开 Irish 爱尔兰的 copy—v. memory—n. lend---v.(lent,lent) playback---n. Another new words 复制,复印 内存,记忆 借出 录音重放 1.Why did Chen Huan lend Sally his CD recorder? Because Chen Huan wants a recording for his programme. 2.What did they decide to record at last? They decided to record Sally playing. 3.What do they do to find out how it works? They look at the instructions. Task Instruction Turn on the recorder Press the _______ button Play back Press the______button Record Press the ______ button No red light Wait for______ seconds Send recording by email _________the recorder to your computer No green light Choose the “_____” symbol Read and finish the instruction blue green red 30 connect copy Use your heads! Let’s think over the sentences above! What do you find out? 语法:这些句子的结构都是:If从句+祈使句 译成:如果… 被称为“条件状语从句” 例:If you like it, print the photo. Or: Print the photo if you like it. 练习--主从句搭配 1.If you are tired, A eat something. 2.If you are hungry, B go to bed. 3.If you are bored, C go to see a doctor. 4.If your hands are dirty, D phone a friend. 5.If you are ill, E wash them. 7. come on! We’ll be late. (快点儿!) Come on, guys. You can do it! (加油,小伙子们) 8. wait for thirty seconds等30秒 9. 让我们试试 let’s try 10.通过电子邮件 by email 11.把---连接到 connect…to… 12.选择“复制”键choose the “copy” symbol 13.拉小提琴 play the violin 14.女士们先生们 ladies and gentlemen Can you remember them i


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