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3.1.2 Static Recrystallization Rate 采用后者办法获得的低合金钢的再结晶曲线如图3.3所示。曲线一般遵从阿夫拉米方程, XV = 1 - exp [ - C ( t/tF ) k ] ,式中, XV 表示时间t内再结晶的部分, tF 是特定部分再结晶的时间 (一般为 0.5); k 是常数; C=-ln(1-F) 。对于所示曲线来说,k=2,这与其他钢变形到低于εc 的应变获得的值一致。 An example of the form of recrystallization curves obtained by the latter method for a low-alloy steel is shown in Fig 3.3. The curves generally follow an Avrami equation of the form XV = 1 - exp [ - C ( t/tF ) k ] where XV is the fraction recrystallized in time t; tF is the time for some specified fraction of recrystallization (say 0.5); k is a constant; and C=-ln(1-F). For the curves shown k = 2, which is consistent with the value observed for other steels deformed to strain <εc. * XV = 1 - exp [ - C ( t/tF ) k ] Fraction of recrystallization the time for some specified fraction of recrystallization 3.1.2 Static Recrystallization Rate 3.1.2 Static Recrystallization Rate 根据这个关系式,t0.05 = 0.27t0.5 ,t0.95=2.08 t0.5, 即,再结晶在一个数量级的时间内进行。 With this relationship t0.05=0.27t0.5 and t0.95=2.08 t0.5, i.e., recrystallization proceeds over about one order of magnitude in time. 3.1.2 Static Recrystallization Rate 通过金相或者回复方法获得的几种钢的应变与特征时间t0.05 = 的关系如图3.4 所示。 The dependence on strain of the characteristic time t0.05, measured by either metallographic or restoration method, is shown for several steels in Fig 3.4. 所有的曲线表明,t0.5 ∝ε-m (m的平均值=4),随着应变增加,t0.5迅速降低,直到0.8εp 。 All the curves show a steep dependence on strain for strains up to -0.8εp, which fits a ralationship t0.5 ∝ε-m, where the mean value of m=4. Fig 3.4 Dependence of time for 50% recrystallization or restoration on strain for C-Mn and low-alloy steel 3.1.2 Static Recrystallization Rate 从铁素体的观察中也发现同样的值。在关系式应用中,由于没有系统研究静态再结晶的临界应变,应变的下限并不确定。 This value is also given by observation on ferritic metals. The lower limit of strain to which this relationship is applicable is uncertain (as the critical strain for static recrystallization has not received systematic study). 3.1.2 Static Recrystallization Rate Norris


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