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原发损害 斑疹 macule 斑片 patch 丘疹 papule 斑块 plaque 风团 wheal 水疱 vesicle 大疱 bulla 脓疱 pustule 结节 nodular 囊肿 cyst 糜烂 erosion 溃疡 ulcer 鳞屑 scale 浸渍 maceration 裂隙 fissure 瘢痕 scar 萎缩 atrophy 痂 crust 抓痕 excoration 苔藓样变 lichenification 脓疱 Pustule Pustule is a circumscribed elevated lesion which contains pus in the epidermis or dermis. It frequently form in sweat glands or hair follicles. Abscess is usually in the dermis or subcutis. .. 原发损害 斑疹 macule 斑片 patch 丘疹 papule 斑块 plaque 风团 wheal 水疱 vesicle 大疱 bulla 脓疱 pustule 结节 nodular 囊肿 cyst 糜烂 erosion 溃疡 ulcer 鳞屑 scale 浸渍 maceration 裂隙 fissure 瘢痕 scar 萎缩 atrophy 痂 crust 抓痕 excoration 苔藓样变 lichenification 斑贴试验 Patch Test Patch test is used to detect hypersensitivity to a substance that is in contact with the skin so that the allergen may be determined and corrective measures taken. 外用药物疗法 Topical Application and Dosing (1) Attention: Medication should be gently massaged into the skin in one thin layer. One gram of cream covers 10×10cm Applied once or twice per day usually. Topical Application and Dosing (2) Medication penetration vs skin anatomic site (Mucous membrane>eyelids>face > torso>extremities>palms and soles) Skin breakdown allows increased drug penetration. Dressing or body suits increase drug absorption. Topical Drugs Basic Points: Two main factors: drug and vehicle (base) Vehicle assistant in both drug delivery and therapeutic properties Adequate concentration Adequate formulation 溶液 Solutions Solution involves the dissolution of two or more substances into homogenous clarity. The vehicle (base) may be aqueous, hydroalcoholic, or nonaqueous (alcohol, oils, or propylene glycol) .(3% Boracic acid) 酊剂 Tinctures Tincture is a hydroalcoholic solution with a concentration of alcohol of approximately 50%. (iodine) 粉剂 Powders Powders absorb moisture and decrease friction. Because they adhere poorly to the skin, their use is limited to cosmetic and hygie


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