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第31 卷第1 期 辽宁师范大学学报( 社会科学版) Vo l 31 N o 1 2008 年1 月 J ournal of L iaoning No rm al U niver sity ( Social Science Edit ion) J an 2008 / 0 王 洪英 ( , 116029) : / 0 , , / 0 , , , , , / 0 , / 0 , : 洋节; 传统节日; 文化 : C9 12 4 : A : 1000- 175 1( 2008) 0 1- 0017- 03 Cogitation upon the Controversy about / Observing Overseas Festival s0 WA N G H o ng- y ing ( Dep ar tment of D issem inat ion and Un ited F ro nt , L iaoning N or mal Univ er sity , D alian 116029, Ch ina) Abstract: N ow mor e and mo re / o verseas f estival s0 land in China, w hich br ing the imp act o n o ur traditional f estival s and lead to a co nt rov ersy about / ob serv ing over seas f est ival s0 In the so cial f act th at Chinese and Wester n cultures ar e ex ch anging unequ al- ly, this w ould directly aff ect the young p erson s. appr ob ation of the t raditio nal cult ur e and aff ect the natio nal destiny and dev el- o pm ent , w hich w e mu st p ay mor e attention t o T o a new social phenom enon , f acing dir ect ly is mu ch better than blenching T his thesis w ould think deeply about t he essence of the contro versy about / o bserv ing ov erseas f estival s0 , o bj ect ively analyze the social cau ses of / ob serving ov erseas f estivals0 and bring up the resolving m etho ds aim ing directly at the phenom enon Key words:o ver seas f estiv als; tr aditio nal f est ival s; culture , / 0, , 2006 12 , 10 5/ 0 6, / , / 0 0, / 0 , / , 0, , / 0 / 0 , , / 0 , / 0 / 0


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