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PATENT EXAMINATION GUIDELINES A Comparative Analysis (2006 and 2010) THIRD REVISION OF CHINA’S PATENT LAW   Prepared December 2010 The content of this publication has been compiled by the EU-China Project on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR2) as part of its work on supporting the revision of China’s IP laws and providing stakeholders and practitioners with access to relevant documentation and information on IP law. For further information visit or contact info@. IPR2 is a partnership project between the European Union and the People’s Republic of China on the protection of intellectual property rights in China. This is done by providing technical support to, and building the capacity of the Chinese legislative, judicial and administrative authorities in administering and enforcing intellectual property rights; improving access to information for users and officials; as well as reinforcing support to right holders. IPR2 targets the reliability, efficiency and accessibility of the IP protection system, aiming at establishing a sustainable environment for effective IPR enforcement. 起草于2010年12月 本出版物的内容由中国-欧盟知识产权保护项目(二期)编制完成,作为其支持中国知识产权法律修订工作 和为权利相关者及从业人员提供知识产权法相关文件和信息这一项目任务的一部分。 更多信息请访问 或电邮至info@。 中国-欧盟知识产权保护项目(二期)是欧盟同中国在知识产权保护方面的合作项目。该项目希望在中国管 理和执行知识产权方面、在改善用户和官员获取信息方面、以及在加强为权利人提供支持方面提供技术援 助,并帮助中国的立法、司法和行政机关进行能力建设。中国-欧盟知识产权保护项目(二期)旨在加强知 识产权保护体系的可靠性、有效性和可获取性,以营造一个有助于中国知识产权有效执法方面的可持续环 境。     Third Revision of China’s Patent Law Patent Examination Guidelines: A comparative analysis 2006 and 2010 中国专利法第三次修订 专利审查指南:2006年版与2010年版本的 比较分析 Compilation and analysis by Cheng Wenting


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