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2-why writing is so important

WHY IS WRITING SO IMPORTANT Writing influences the way we think Writing forces us to confront issues, to define and redefine our own feeling and positions, and enables us to express ourselves to others in more effective ways. Writing contributes to the way we learn Once you begin to write summaries and responses while reading, you will be forced to really understand what you are reading, connect them all together, and have a much better overview of the subject. This is what is probably meant by “making a thick book thin.” Good writing leads to success in college and career The purpose of liberal arts education is to lay a broad and solid foundation for more advanced and more specialized training in the future. A broad-based education will lead to greater creativity and more fully developed individuals. On a more practical level, the broader vision would also enable one to engage in interdisciplinary research more productively. Writing enriches personal growth On a personal level, writing enables us to reflect deeply on our own experience, to examine critically our most basic assumptions, and to be in touch with our innermost selves. In a way, writing is a self-discovery process. It would enable us to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves as well as society, people, and life in general. What is good writing What is good writing, anyway? Different cultures using different languages may come up with very different answers to the question. Indeed, even different individuals may have different standards, tastes or expectations. However, as far as English is concerned, a set of basic characteristics, which is believed to be present in all good writing, has been promoted by educators in English-speaking countries: What is good writing Unity----all parts or elements of the writing constituting an organic and harmonious whole Coherence----all parts or elements well connected to show clear logical (causal, contrastive, hierarchical, parallel, etc.) relations Emphasis---sp


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