外研小学英语第四册Module 5 Unit 2 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin教学设计-孙玉媚-山东高密井沟实验小学.docVIP

外研小学英语第四册Module 5 Unit 2 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin教学设计-孙玉媚-山东高密井沟实验小学.doc

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外研小学英语第四册Module 5 Unit 2 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin教学设计-孙玉媚-山东高密井沟实验小学

全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选 教案设计 让学生在PPT和AV资料中自主学习 外研社小学英语第四册Module 5 Unit 2 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin 教学设计 山东高密市井沟镇实验小学 孙玉媚 一、教学背景: Ⅰ.教学内容: (1)词汇:Mount Qomolangma ,the Great Wall ,the Summer Palace, high, old (2)句型:The Changjiang River is longer than the Yellow River. Mount Qomqlangma is higher than Mount Tai. The Great Wall is older than the Summer Palace. Beijing is bigger than Tianjin. Ⅱ.教学目标: (1) 知识目标:学习词汇Mount Qomolangma ,the Great Wall ,the Summer Palace, high, old;掌握句型The Changjiang River is longer than the Yellow River. Mount Qomolangma is higher than Mount Tai. The Great Wall is older than the Summer Palace. Beijing is bigger than Tianjin. (2) 能力目标:培养学生用英语进行比较事物的能力。 (3) 情感目标:运用地理知识、历史知识巩固比较级句式,培养学生的学习热情, 增强学生的爱国感。 Ⅲ.教学重点: (1) 学习句型:The Changjiang River is longer than the Yellow River. Mount Qomolangma is higher than Mount Tai. The Great Wall is older than the Summer Palace. Beijing is bigger than Tianjin. (2) 掌握单词及词组:high, old,The Changjiang River,the Yellow River,Mount Qomolangma , Mount Tai ,the Great Wall , the Summer Palace Ⅳ.教学难点: 能够正确理解运用形容词比较级句型。 V.辅助资源: PPT课件、多媒体AV视频资料 二、教学过程: Step I. Warming up/Revision: 1.Let’s say the chant together(出示PPT). tall, tall, taller short, short, shorter taller and shorter , shorter and taller; old , old , older, young, young, younger older and younger, younger and older. 2.Sing the song together.(出示PPT) I’m older than you . I’m younger than you . older and younger I’m taller than you . I’m shorter than you. taller and shorter I’m fatter than you. I’m thinner than you. fatter and thinner … (设计思路:通过两项热身活动,温习上节学过的形容词比较级及比较级句式,同时为本节学习新内容做好铺垫。) Step II. Showing aims: 从刚才的Chant和歌曲中,我们一起复习了上节课学到的形容词的比较级以及比较级句式,同学们仔细观察,不难看出,这些句子都是运用比较级来比较两个人的差异(高矮、胖瘦……)For example (出示课件) T:Who’s this ? Ss: It’s Yao Ming. T: Who’s this ? Ss: It’s Liu Xiang. T:Who is taller? Ss: Yao Ming is taller than Liu Xiang. 今


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