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How to Give a Successful Presentation 主要内容 运河杯及挑战杯概况 评奖流程及规则 如何准备口头报告(答辩策略) 如何准备ppt(注意事项) 评奖流程及规则 2010年运河杯评审总评-李瑛: (1)普遍的问题是题目起的太大,大学生项目要针对某一个小问题,突出一个新颖性和创新性,只要一个项目有一个让人印象深刻的亮点就可以了,不要过分追求系统性,前言里要突出这一点。 (2)项目已取得的成果不必写以前指导老师发表的专利和文章,要突出学生自己做的成果。如果暂时没有可以写通过自己想法的实现可以取得的成果。 (3)项目的预期成果形式和效益,要写实在点。不要写“此课题成果的推广将对企业产生巨大的经济效益,同时也将产生巨大的国民经济效益和社会效益。)等于没写。 (4)研究生的项目要避开自己的论文题目,可以从研究论文里提炼一个较吸引眼球的创新点,重点阐述、以免答辩时被质疑。 科研三部曲 为什么做:--背景介绍-发现问题 (提出问题) 怎么做—实验设计—创新思路的体现 (解决问题) 做的结果怎么样?--下结论 (分析问题) (设想可以海阔天空,下结论要适合而止!) Introduction Have you ever been to an oral presentation that dealt with interesting science but could not pay attention? – Is it you? – Or is it the speaker? Good chance it is the speaker – How can we make presentations better? – Must be aware of the audience Attention Better Approach Divide your presentation in several parts, each ended by an intermediate conclusion – Distracted people can always easily catch up with you – Important items said many times Why does an audience get distracted? ? Out of your control – Not enough sleep – Poor sound system – People walking by – Other noises ? Within your control – Speaker error – Presentation error Common Errors Speaker lives in his own little world ? Presentation structure, reasoning, unclear ? Visual aids confusing or unreadable – Too small, too crowded, etc. – Too many, too fast ? Long, complicated sentences and jargon (行话) – Avoid too many passive sentences – “From this figure it was deduced that” to “This figure implies that” Common Errors ? Speaker reads speech from paper – Written language more formal and complex than verbal – Reading written text usually a lot faster than imprompt speaking – Never read from paper, even if speaking in a second language! Notes are OK, though Monotonous sentences, bad pronunciation – Too fast or too slow – Turning back to audience and watching screen instead of visual contact How Fast? ? Not too fast, please….! – If the talk is rehea


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