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第27卷第 7期 计 算 机 应 用 研 究 V o.l 27 N o. 7 2010年7月 ApplicationR esearch of Computers Ju.l 2010 Two-way , , , (重庆邮电大学通信与信息工程学院, 重庆 400065) : 通过中继选择和功率分配, 可以达到提高 wt o-way中继系统总速率的目的综合考虑中继节点处的接 收信噪比和中继节点到目的节点间的信道增益, 提出了 wt o-way AF 中继系统中的双向中继选择策略( BRS); 同 时,在总功率受限的条件下, 建立了 two-way AF 中继系统中的优化功率分配模型, 通过对模型进行数学分析求 解, 提出了一种自适应的最优功率分配策略(OPA)仿真结果证明两种策略均能提高系统总速率 : wt o-way中继; AF; 中继选择; 功率分配 : TP39303 : A : 1001-3695( 2010) 07-2697-03 doi: 10. 3969 /j. issn. 1001- 3695. 2010. 07. 083 B idirectional relay selection and pow er allocation scheme in two-way relay system L IU Tong, CHEN Q ian-bin, TANG Lun, ZHANG Li- sheng ( S chool of Commun ica tion Inf orm ation E ng ineering, Chongqing University of P osts Te lecommun ica tions, C hong qing 400065, Ch ina) Ab stract: This paper could ach ieve the purpose of mi proving the sum-rate of wt o-way relay system by relay selection andpow- er allocation. Both considered the receive SNR ( signal noise rate) at the relay node and the channel gain between relay node and destination node, proposed a BRS in wt o-wayAF relay system. A lso established the optmi al pow er allocation m ode in tw o- w ay AF relay system when total powerwas lmi ited. And proposed a self- adaptiveOPA schem e accord ing to analyzing and so-l ving the optmi alm ode. Smi u lation resu lt show s that both the strategies can enhance the sum rate of the system. K ey words: wt o-w ay relay; AF( amp lify- and- forward); relay selection; pow er allocation 0 , one-w ay


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