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also 也常表示“也”,往往位于be动词 后,行为动词前。 e.g. My father can speak English. He can also speak French. 6. real adj. 意为“真正的;真实的” 这不是个真戒指。 It’s not a real ring. 【拓展】really adv. 意为“真正地” 看! 那个女演员真漂亮。 Look! That actress is really beautiful. Language Points And the police put it in newspapers and on television to find him. 警察把画像放在报纸和电视上来寻找此人。 police 意为警察、警方,为集合名词,和people (人、人们)的用法相似。如: Several police were injured during the rioting. 数名警察在暴动中受伤。 表达“一名警察”时,要用a policeman /policewoman 在英语中, 表达“在报纸上”用in newspapers, 不用on. 在电视里,用on television, 而不是 in television. 2. Many people don’t always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently. 人们并不是总以相同的方式看待事物,所以他们会将同一个人描述的不一样。 (1)same 和 different 是一对反义词,前者表示相同的,后者表示不同的。 same 用作形容词时,常用来修饰名词,且前面常加定冠词 the. 如: the same way 相同的方法,相同的方式。 the same person 同一个人。 differently 是 different 的副词形式,在句中修饰动词describe。 (2) people 和 person people 表示“人,人们”,为复数名词;person 为单个的人,有复数形式 persons 。如,2个人 two persons. He is a very nice person. 它是一个很好的人 There are a lot of people in the bus. 公共汽车上有很多人。 喜欢做饭 ______________ 2. 象一辆自行车 _____________ 3. 特别喜欢 _____________________ 4. 有点儿喜欢 _________________ 5. 一点儿都不喜欢 __________________________ like cooking like a bike like...a lot/very much  like...a little dont (doesnt) like...at all Ⅰ. 翻译下列短语 1. Lucy ______ pears very much.  A. like B. likes C. not like D. dont like 2. Look! He ______ a machine.  A. makes B. making C. is making D. make 3. She ______ her bike.  A. wants rides B. want to ride  C. wants to rides D. wants to ride B C D Ⅱ. 单项选择 4. His machine ______ a bike. A. is like B. likes C. like D. is likes 5. Does Li Hong ______ rice ______ bread? A. like...or B. likes...and C. likes...or D. is like...or 6. I ______ eggs at all. A. Like B. dont like C. am like D. am not like A A B 7. -- Does he like meat? -- Sorry, I _____.


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