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Sample 3 Post speaking Watch the map of our campus. Which part will you try to go, tell about the reason and the way. consolidation 1.P125.Ex.2Talking. 2.List what you have learned. Homework 1.Revise all the expressions and new words. 2.Surf the internet and choose one picture of theme parks to describe. 3.Preview the reading passage. Unit22 A world of fun Period 1 Lead in Warming up Listening Speaking Homework A film bungee roller coaster Rafting Thrills free-fall rides activity Reasons for like Reasons for dislike Roller-coaster ride Bungee jumping rafting scary thrills Group work Theme park ? 1.What kind of theme parks do you think our city should have? 2.What about a coastal city? Pre-listening 1.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions 1.What is the theme of the park that the lots of fun companies wants to build? A.the ocean B.the environment C.protecting animals 2What can people do in the third part of the park? they can______ A go on rides films C study (C) (B) 3.What reason does Mrs. Johnson give for choosing her park? A.It will create jobs. B.It will attract tourists. C.It will make the city more beautiful. ( B ) Name Theme Aim Reason Lots of fun company First ,__________ park. Second ,museums and ___________ Third, __________ park. Rides and _________ Learn about the _____________ Learn more about how to____ ____ the environment 1.Help the people understand ____________ protection better. 2.Attract ___________. lots of fun exhibitions fun learning environment entertainment protect environmental tourists Merry ride limited aim reason want all the workers to be_____________. The park is important to the ____________ in your city . 1.provide many ____________. 2.Teach visitors about ______________ local people education new jobs life in the ocean part 2 Post-listening Work in groups of four, which park will you choose, write down your decision, a


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