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试题 一 二 三 总分 得分 特别提醒: 1.本试卷采用《试题册》、《答题纸》考试形式,请将答案填入《答题纸》的相应栏目中,答案写在《试题册》上无效。 2.请在《答题纸》的密封线内填上考生信息。 3.全场考试时间为120分钟。 得分 评卷人 Part 1、 Spelling and Derivation ( 共15分) A. Spelling(每小题0.5分,共5分) The presidential aid did a fine job ____ (prompt) his boss during a tough press conference. 2.Johnson isn’t tired of Tokyo, it seems, but appearances can be _______(deceive). 3. They voted against the _________ (continue) of the existing tax system. 4. If a friend takes you into her _______ (confident), don’t rush off to tell other People. 5. ______ (accurate ) of singing depends upon the precision with which the singer can voluntarily adjust the contractions of the muscles related to sound making. 6. ________ (trend ) teachers are denying children the opportunity to study classic texts. 7. The general was considered by some people to be the _________ (personify) of patriotic courage. 8. The ability of _______ (persevere) despite of obstacles and setbacks is the quality people most admire in others. 9. It is with that knowledge that we can choose someone of integrity, at least someone with _________ (honour) intentions. 10. Older drivers are more likely to be seriously injured because of the ________ (fragile) of their bones. 得分 评卷人 Part II、 Vocabulary and structure(每小题0.5 分,共 15分) Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Give me your telephone number __________I need your help. A. whether B. unless C. so that D. in case 2. Ford tried dividing the labour, each worker __________a separate task. A. assigning B. to assign C. assigned D. has assigned 3. The science of horticulture ___________ the primary concerns are maximum yield and superior quality, utilizes information derived from other sciences. A. in that B. in which C. which is D. which 4. He underwent four ___________operations in two weeks. A. excessive B. extensive C. intensive D. su



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