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20 10 10 O ct. 2010 38 19 MACH INE TOOL HYDRAUL ICS V ol138 No119 DOI: 10. 3969 / j1 ssn1 1001- 3881120101 191035 AM ESm 在电动液压转向系统的转向平顺性研究中的应用 陈松, 陶金忠 (南通航运职业技术学院, 江苏南通 226010) : ( EH PS) , ( BLDCM ) P ID , P ID P ID AM ES m / S mu- l nk , EHPS : P ID P ID , EH PS : AM ES m; S m ul nk; ; ; : U 46314 : A : 1001- 388 1 ( 20 10) 19- 121- 5 Application ofAMESim in Smooth Steering Characteristic of E lectronicHydrostatic Power Steering System CH EN Song, TAO J nzhong ( N antong Sh pp ng Co llege, N antong J angsu 226010, Ch na) Abstract: A m ethod based on fuzzy-P ID contro l w h ch w as su tab le for BLDCM w as presented n orde r to sat sfy the smoo th steer ng dem and o f EH PS system. The fuzzy-P ID strategy and the des gn process of fuzzy-P ID contro lle r w e re d sse rtated. A fuzzy-P ID contro ller w as des gned. T he EHPS sy stem model w as establ shed n AM ES m andM ATLAB / S m ul nk to m ake sm ulat ons w th track- ng o f ob jec t current, rota ry speed charac ter o f BLDCM and sm ooth steer ng o f EH PS system. T he smu la t on results nd ca te that the BLDCM contro lled by fuzzy-P ID strategy has a be tter sta t c and dynam c cha racte r st cs than the BLDCM contro lled by P ID strategy, so the EHPS system has a be tter smoo th steer ng character st c. K eywords: AM ESm; S mu lnk; EH PS; Fuzzy contro;l Sm ooth steer ng charac ter st c EHPS , , , ; , , , ,


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