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34 1 人 工 晶 体 学 报 V o.l 34 N o. 1 2005 2 JOURNAL O F SYNTHET IC CRY STA LS Febru ary 2005 LiOH ZnO 韦志仁, 葛世艳, 窦军红,李 军, 刘 超,林 琳, 郑一博, 董国义 ( 07 1002) : 430 35% L iOH ZnO 3mo l/ L 5mo l/ L L iOH 10m 1m ol/ L L iOH 1mo l/ L K Br { 000 1} { 000 1}{ 1011} { 1010 } 3M L iOH 3M K Br 100m { 000 1} { 1011 } + + { 1010 } K L i ZnO : ; ; ; ; : O 782. 2 : A : 1000-985X ( 2005) 01-0112-04 Effect of LiOH asM ineralizer on the ZnO CrystalMorphology Synthesized byHydrothermalMethod WEI Zh i-ren, GE Shi-yan, DOU Jun-hong, L I Jun, LIU Chao, LIN L in, ZHENG Yi-bo, DON G Guo-y i ( C ollege of P hy sics S cien ce and T echnology H eb ei U n iv ersity Baod ing 07 1002 C hina) (R ecei ed 16A ugust 2004) Abstract:M any d ifferent shapes of ZnO crystsls w ere synthesized by hydrotherm al m ethod u sing d ifferen t concentration s of L iOH as m ineralizer and the filling factor of 35% at 430 . W hen using 3m ol/L and 5m o l/L L iOH as m ineralizer respective ly the ZnO crystal w as synthesized w ith size o f less than 10m. W hen 1 m o l/L L iOH and 1 m ol/L K Br w as u sed as m ineralizer the ZnO crysta lw as also synthesized w ith size of several m h av ing the exposed p erfect positive po lar faces{ 000 1} negative po lar faces{ 000 1} hexagona l cone faces { 1011} and hexagona l faces { 10 10 }. W hen the m ineralizer concen trat ion


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