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第 32 卷  第 2 期 电 子 器 件 Vol . 32  N o . 2 2009 年 4 月     Chinese J our nal Of Elect r on Devices    Ap r . 2009 Research on Low Noise Design of HgCdTe Inf rared Detector Ampl if ying Circuit Based on ORCAD W E I Cuiy u1 , 2 , H U B i ngl i ang 1 , S H A O X i uj uan 1, 2 , L I U X i ang 1 , 2 , Y U X i angf eng 1 , 2 1. L aboratory of S p ect ral I m ag i ng Technol ogy , X i’an I ns t i t ute of Op t ics an d P recis ion M echanics ,  Chi nese A ca demy of S ciences ( CA S) , X i’an , S haanx i 7 10 119 , Chi na; 2 . Gra d uate I ns t it ute of Chi nese A ca demy of S cience ( CA S) , B eij i ng 100039 , Chi na Abstract :Focu se s on t he ba si s of t he p erfor mance index of H gCd Te Photovolt aic inf rared det ector , t he con ver sion of t he radiation ener gy w hich i s incident in t he surface of t he det ector i s calculat ed . Accor ding to t he calculat ed f aint cur rent signal , t he p reamp lifier circuit and t he secondary amp lifier circuit i s de signed . U nder t he imp lement ation of t he high emulational rat e and excellent p reci sion of ORCAD , t he f requency re spon se ,t he t ran smi ssion of direct cur rent , t he analy si s of t he t emp erat ure and noi se of t he de signed am p lifier circuit . The exp eriment al re sult indicat e s t hat t hi s de sign can effectively magnify t he f aint cur rent signal . So t he validit y and f ea sible of t he de signed amp lifier circuit can be validat ed in p ractice . Key words :f aint current signal ;amp lif ying circuit ;ORCAD ;simulative analy si s ;low noi se de sign EEACC :7320C ORCAD 在 HgCdTe 红外探测器放大电路低 噪声设计中的应用


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