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2010 39 3 PETROCHEM ICAL TECHNOLOGY 291 H 陈 乐, 陈 群, 何明阳 (, , 213164) [] , ( SiO A l O )H 2 2 3 , H, H; / 25 280 H 4. 1, 1. 7, 1. 6, 25H /H , H [] ; ; H; ; ; [] 1000- 8144 ( 2010) 03- 0291- 05 [] TQ 028. 3 [] A A dso rp tion K inetics of X y lene Isom ers on HZ eolites w ith D ifferen t S i/A l R atios C en Le, C en Qun, HeM ingyang ( K ey Lab o f F ine Petroc em icalEngineering-Jiangsu Po lytec nic U niversity, C angz ou Jiangsu 213164, C ina) [ A bstract] A dsorption kinetics of p-xylene andm-xylene on H zeo litesw it different Si/A l ratios ( mo le ratio of SiO to A lO ) w as studied t roug static expermi ents. R esults s ow ed t at equilibrium 2 2 3 adsorption capacities of p-xylene andm-xylene increased w it t eir in itial concentrations. Under t e same cond itions, adsorption capacity and adsorption rate of p-xylene w ere muc ig er t an t ose of m-xy lene. Equilibrium separation factors ofp-xy lene/m-xy lene on Hzeolitesw it Si/A l ratios of 25, 280 and all-Siw ere 4. 1, 1. 7 and 1. 6, respectively. H zeo lite w it Si/A l ratio 25 w as t e best for p-xylene/m-xylene separation. Adsorption k inetic data of p-xylene on H zeolite fitted w ell w it t e pseudo-second-order kinetics equation, and t e intraparticle d iffusion equation could related w it m-xy lene adsorption on Hzeolite. [ K eywords] p-xylene; m-xylene; Hzeolite; Si/A l ratio; adsorption separation; adsorption kinetics [ 9~ 11] , , , / 33 , , , ,


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