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28 5 V o l28, N o5
2010 10 PowderM etallurgy Technology O ct2010
1) * * 1) , 2) 1)
杨 阳 刘伯威 熊 翔
1) ( , 4100 83)
2) ( , 410205)
: ( ) , ()
, :
( 20 g cm- 3 ) , ,
: ; ;
Study on friction andwear properties of a new
ceram icbased automotive braking pads
1) 1), 2) 1)
YangYang , Liu Bowei , iong iang
1) ( State K ey L aboratory o Pow der M eta llurgy, Cen tral South U n iversity, Chang sha 410083, Ch ina)
2) ( H u nan Boyun Autom ob ile B rake M a teria l L mi ited Com pany, Changsha 410205, Ch ina)
Abstract: A new ceram icbased autom o tive braking pads w ere prepared by u sing ino rganic and o rganic iber ( non
m eta llic iber) m ultire in orc ing, ino rganic b inde r( non resin or little resin) and organ ic o r inorgan ic m ater ia ls as
r iction mod i iers, and spec i ic pro cess T he physica l m echan ica l and r iction per orm ance w ere investigated, and
compar ison w ith the resinbased riction m ater ia l w as m ade It is show n that the density o the new ceram icbased
autom o tive braking pads is moderate( about 20 g cm- 3 ) The w ear ra te is a lso much low er. T he stability o r iction
coe ic ient, antitherm a lrecess ion per orm ance and brake com ortab leness are obv iou sly be tter than tho se o the res in
based r ic tion m ater ia l, unde r sam e