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18 6 V o.l 18 No. 6 2009 12 JOURNAL OF NATURAL D ISA STERS Dec. 2009 : 1004 - 4574 ( 2009) 06- 0112- 06 1, 3 1, 3 2 1, 3 1, 3 冯新灵 , 罗隆诚 , 冯自立, 刘 鹏 , 邱丽丽 ( 1. 621000; 2. 6 18307; 3. 62 1000) : 1951- 2002 752, R / S, : 50a, Hurst , : , , 10a 4. 1d, 11. 4 d, 3. 7d, 6. 8d 5. 9d, , , : ; ; ; R / S; H urst; : P467 : A Fractal research on ra iny day change trend in Ch ina 1, 3 1, 3 2 1, 3 1, 3 FENG X in- ling , LUO L ong-cheng , FEN G Z i- li, L IU P eng , Q IU L -i li ( 1. D epartm en t of th e R esou rces Env ironm en t S cience, M iany ang N orm al U n iversity, M ianyang 62 1000, Ch ina; 2. C ivil A viat ion Flight U n iversity of C h ina, Guanghan 618307, Ch in a; 3. K ey Lab of D igitalizat ion R esources and Env ironm ent In form at ion T echnology, M iany ang N orm al U n iversity, M iany ang 62 1000, Ch ina) Abs tract: U sing the rainy day data from the year 1951 to 2002 years in 752 m eteorolog ical stations o f China, the autho rs stud ied and forecasted c lmi atic change of annual rainy days in five m ajor precipitation reg ions o f Ch ina w ith basic princ ip le of the fractal theory and R /S ana ly tic m ethod. The study indicates that, there is a smi ilarity on cl-i m at ic change of annua l rainy day in future to that in past 50 years. Tw o item s o f H urst index expermi ent w ere d


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