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传递路径分析技术在车内噪声与振动研究与分析中的应用 73
文章编号: 1006- 1355( 2007) 04- 0073- 05
1 1 1 2
刘东明, 项 党, 罗 清, 郑金鑫
( 1. 泛亚汽车技术中心有限公司, 上海 201201; 2. 上海航天局研发中心, 上海 200233)
: 阐述试验传递路径分析的基本原理, 结合 LMS /TPA 模块的功能, 分别介绍结构声和 气声载荷的估
计算法及其适用范围, 并具体介绍典型传递路径分析的实施步骤, 可获得的信息及其在车辆噪声优化设计与早期
: 声学; 汽车; 传递路径分析(TPA); 工作载荷估计; LM S/TPA模块
: U467. 4 93 : A
Applying Transfer Path Analysis to Automotive Interior Noise
and V ibration Refinem ent and Developm ent
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LIU D ong m ing , X IAN G D ang , L UO Qing , ZH EN G J inx in
( 1. Pan Asia Tec nicalAutomotive Center Co. , Ltd, S ang ai 201021, C ina;
2. S ang aiAcademy of Spaceflig t Tec nology, R. . D. Center, S ang ai 200233, C ina)
Abstract: T is article describes t e fundamental t eory ofT ransfer Pat Analysis (TPA ). W it t e
introduction of t e latest functions of LM S TPA softw are tool, t e analyzing of structural borne noise or air
borne noise contribution to t e overall ve icle NVH performance can be done by estmi ating t eir opera
tional load and eac of t eir individual FRF. A typical expermi ental procedure of structural borneTPA is
presented in great details for demonstration purpose. T e information obtained t roug t is process can be
utilized to optmi ize t eNVH performance even t e early ve icle design stage.
K ey words: acoustics; automob ile; transfer pat analysis (TPA ); w ork ing load estmi ation; LM S/
TPA sofwt are tool
汽车内部噪声和振动现象, 往往是由多个激励, 压或振动水平等于各激励源以工作载荷激励时沿不
[ 3]
经由不同的传递路径抵达目标位置后叠加而成的。 同路径传播到车内的能