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21 1 ( ) Vol. 2 1. No. 1 200 3 2 Journal of Guizhou Normal Universi y ( Na ural Sciences) Feb . 2003 : 1004) 5570 ( 2003) 01- 0110- 05 B#F# 谢应宽 ( 贵州师范大学 教育系, 贵州贵阳 550001) : B#F#, , , , , , , : B#F# 斯金纳; 强化理论; 积极强化; 消极强化; 程序教学 : G44 : A Exploration of B. F. Skinner. s reinforcement theory XIE Ying-kuan ( Depar men of Educa ion, Guizhou Normal Universi y , Guiyang, Guizhou 55000 1, China) Abstract : B. F. Skinner is one of he main represen a ives of mordern behaviouris psychology in he Uni ed S a es . Reinforcemen heory is he keys one of his learning heory. On he basis of analyzing he role which ypes of reinforcemen and reinforcemen i self play during he course of children. s developmen , his paper analyzes advan ages and disadvan ages of he heory in he prac ice of educa ion , eaching and learning . In my opinion, on he one hand, he heory expands he learning heory, has many influencs on eaching and learning prac ice, and even ually promo es he developmen of rela ed disciplines. On he o her hand , he he- ory has mechanis ic endency, ignores in ernal con radic ions of children . s psychological developmen and doesn. ell he differences be ween humand mind and animal mind. Key words: B. F. Skinner; reinforcemen heory; posi ive reinforcemen ; nega ive reinforcemen ; procedu- ral eaching , 10 , , , 110 , , ( ) , 1958 0, , / ,, : 2002- 09- 19 110 1 : B#F#


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