
Study of the pore structure and reactivity of Canadian coal-derived chars.pdf

Study of the pore structure and reactivity of Canadian coal-derived chars.pdf

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Study of the pore structure and reactivity of Canadian coal-derived chars.pdf

A RECURSIVE CONCENTRIC CYLINDER MODEL FOR COMPOSITES CONTAINING COATED FIBERS A rcctlrsivc clasliu solution ~i~ctlio~l cm bc oiitlincrl for unklxial cvtnpositcs similar 10 the way in uhich the composilcs are proccssctl. 7’1ic lihor buiidlcs in 3 composite arc cuulcd prior lo lhc introduction ot’ the matrix matcrkil. If mulriplc coatings arc usccl. then each layer may bc intr[)~tii~~d at ;I dilkrent t~nlp~r~~~ur~; the final step hciny the processing of‘ the matrix at its own processing t~nlp~r~itur~. In gcncral. Ihc microstrcsscs ilX non zr‘ro within the multiple coatings at the matrix proccssing tcmpcra t iirc. Thcrd~~rc, ;I single composik thermal set tcmpcr:~lurc may not exist for all the cnnstitucnts. The stress distribution become c‘vcn more complex when intrinsic strc‘sses arc introduced during m;tniiIictiiriIlg. Deposition sksscs can arise from CVD. PVI) or pl~i~ln~l-spr~~yin~processes. The :lpproaeh in this paper is as follows. Each coating lityer is approxim:ttcd as 11 hollow cylinder, the innermost tibcr being solid. We begin with the innermost two cylinders and then move outwurcls. while replacing the coating and the fiber assembly undcrncath with an ecluivaknt hotnogcncous tnmsvcrscly isotropic solid cylinder at each step (Figs I iid 2). The cfkctivc elastic propcrtics of this ap,tivulent cylinder art‘ crkulatcd from the well known cxprcssions in the lifcraturc (Christcnscn. 1979; Hashin, 1079) which arc given li)r a two-phase co


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