
Supergene Oxidation of Copper Deposits.pdf

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Supergene Oxidation of Copper Deposits.pdf

SEG SEG NEWSLETTER NEWSLETTER APRIL 2000 H SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGISTSH NUMBER 41 Supergene Oxidation of Copper Deposits: Zoning and Distribution of Copper Oxide Minerals WILLIAM X. CHÁVEZ, JR. (SEG 1990) MINERALS ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT • NEW MEXICO SCHOOL OF MINES • SOCORRO, NEW MEXICO, USA 87801 TEL. +1.505.835.5317 / FAX: +1.505.835.5252 • E-MAIL: WXCHAVEZ@NMT.EDU ABSTRACT RESUMEN Copper oxides represent an attractive exploration target Oxidos de cobre comprenden una fuente importante del metal rojo, because even low-grade prospects have the potential to especialmente en yacimientos aptos para tratamiento del tipo “lixiviación — produce low-cost copper in an environmentally friendly recuperación por solventes— electrowinning.” Este artículo describe la zonación fashion. Derived from hypogene and/or supergene sulfides, y ocurrencia de los óxidos de cobre derivados por procesos supérgenos copper oxides comprise a series of distinct assemblages that afectando a un protolito con sulfuros de cobre y fierro, hospedado por varias characterize a variable pH, oxidizing geochemical asociaciones mineralógicas de alteración. Los yacimientos considerados son environment known as “the oxide zone.” Development of principalmente pórfidos de cobre y molibdeno, y sistemas tipo skarn. oxide copper minerals is a function of source-rock and Geoquimícamente, el mineral más importante que influye la distribución de host-rock mineralogy, pyrite and other (copper) sulfide los productos


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