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16 4 塑性工程学报 Vol16 No4 2009 8 JOURNAL OF PLAST ICITY ENGINEERING Aug 2009 doi: 10 969/ jissn100720122009040 4 GH4169 * ( 大连理工大学 材料科学与工程学院, 大连 116085) 朱大喜 张立文 ( 沈阳黎明航空发动机集团, 沈阳 11004 ) 祝文卉 曲 伸 : MSC Marc , GH4 169 , Na Y S GH4169 MSC Marc , , GH4169 , , : GH4 169; ; ; ; : T G45 9 : A : (2009) Numerical simulation of microstructure evolution for dynamic recrystallization of GH4169 during inertia friction welding ZH U Daxi ZH ANG Liwen ( School of Materials Science and Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116085 China) ZHU Wenhui QU Shen ( Shenyang Liming AeroEngine Group Corporation, Shenyang 11004 China) Abstract: Using the coupled thermomechanical FEM technology of software MSC Marc, a 2D thermomechanical coupled finite element model for inertia frict ion welding process of GH4 169 superalloy ring parts w as developed. Take into account of the non isothermal condit ion during the inertia friction welding, the additivity rule w as introduced to adapted the mathematical model for dynamic recrystallization of GH4 169 established by Na Y S. By seconddevelopment of MSCM arc, the mathematical model for dynamic recrystallizat ion was combined w ith the f inite model t o simulate the microstructure evolution for dynamic recrystallization of GH4169 during the inertia frict ion welding process. The distribut ions of dynamic recrystallized fraction and average grain size during the welding process were obt ained. The macrostructure of t he friction welded joint and t he microstructure of welding area was exam ined and analyzed, it w as found that the simulation results agree w ell with the experi


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