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43 Vol. 43 2010 CHINA CIV IL ENGINEER ING JOURNAL 2010 : 1, 2 2 3 2, 4 毛晨曦 李素超 赵亚哥白 欧进萍 ( 1. , 150080; 2. , 150090; 3. , 150040; 4., 116024) : , ) ) ) ( ShapeM emory lloyM etallic Pseudo-Rubber, SM -MPR) , SM -M PR, ; , , : ; ; ; : TU591 TU352. 1 : : 1000-131X( 2010)-0176-06 A new material for seism ic application: SMA metallic pseu o-rubber 1, 2 2 3 2, 4 M ao Chenx i L i S uchao Zhao Yag eba i Ou J inp ing ( 1. Institute ofEngineeringMechanics, ChinaEarthquake dm inistration, Harbin 150080, China; 2. Harbin Institute ofTechnology, Harbin 150090, China; 3. NortheastForestryUniversity, H arbin 150040, China; 4. Dalian University ofTechnology, Dalian 116024, China) Abstract: To develop novel isolatorsw ith self buffer and w ith residual deformation self-recovery ability, a new type of materia,l shape m emory alloy m etallic pseudo-rubber ( SM -MPR), was fabricated and investigated in this study. M echanicalbehavior of thism aterialwas investigated, together with its deformation self-recovery ability. To address if various processing technologies of SM -MPR have great influence on their deformation sel-f recovery ability, three types of SM -MPR specmi ens were fabricated. Mechanical behavior of the SM -MPR specmi ens under cyclic sinusoidal compression loadings w ith various frequencies were test. Then, three types of SM -MPR specmi ens w ith residual deformation were put into a temperature controlled stove and their deformation recovery abilitywere tested. To address if these S


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