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Course Overview PART I: overview material 1 Introduction 2 Language processors (tombstone diagrams, bootstrapping) 3 Architecture of a compiler PART II: inside a compiler 4 Syntax analysis 5 Contextual analysis 6 Runtime organization 7 Code generation PART III: conclusion Interpretation 9 Review What This Topic is About Recap: Interpretive Compilers Abstract Machines Abstract Machines Class Files and Class File Format Data Types JVM: Runtime Data Areas Java Stacks Stack Frames Stack Frames Stack Frames JVM Interpreter Instruction-set: typed instructions! Instruction set: kinds of operands Instruction-set: accessing arguments and locals Instruction-set: non-local memory access Instruction-set: operations on numbers Instruction-set … Instruction-set … Instruction-set: Heap Memory Allocation Instructions and the “Constant Pool” Instructions and the “Constant Pool” Instructions and the “Constant Pool” Instructions and the “Constant Pool” Instructions and the “Constant Pool” Linking Loading and Linking in JVM Closing Example Compiling and Disassembling Compiling and Disassembling ... Writing Factorial in “jasmin” Writing Factorial in “jasmin” (continued) .method package fac(I)I .limit stack 50 .limit locals 4 iconst_1 istore 2 iconst_2 istore 3 Label_1: iload 3 iload 1 if_icmplt Label_4 iconst_0 goto Label_5 Label_4: iconst_1 Label_5: ifeq Label_2 iload 2 iload 3 imul dup istore 2 pop Label_3: iload 3 dup iconst_1 iadd istore 3 pop goto Label_1 Label_2: iload 2 ireturn iconst_0 ireturn .end method .class package Factorial .super java/lang/Object .method package init( )V .limit stack 50 .limit locals 1 aload_0 invokenonvirtual java/lang/Object/init( )V return .end method Jasmin is a Java Assembler Interface. It takes ASCII descriptions for Java classes, written in a simple assembler-like syntax and using the Java Virtual Machine instruction set. It converts them into binary Java class files suitable for loading into a JVM implementation. The Java Virtual Machine



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