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摘 要 罗尔斯把社会公正看作是社会制度存在的首要价值。社会公正也一直是我国社会 发展的最终诉求,但是目前随着现代化事业的大力发展,社会不公正问题也日渐突出, 成为严重制约我国未来持续发展的绊脚石。虽然目前社会各界高度重视这一热点问题 并形成系统的研究成果,笔者仍希望通过吸收前人思想结晶的前提下,将科学发展观 这一重要指导思想与我国现实社会不公问题相结合加以思考分析,阐述关于这一课题 研究的个人拙见。 本文主要通过三大部分进行阐述分析。第一部分主要叙述马克思主义关于社会公 正理论的发展创新,具体分析马克思主义经典作家、中国特色社会主义理论体系以及 其中的科学发展观对社会公正理论的研究成果;第二部分是通过对我国当前社会在经 济、政治和社会领域中不公正现象的探讨,从经济、政治和文化方面总结不公正现象 产生的原因以及造成的严重危害;第三部分则是概括实现社会公正的基本原则,并从 经济、政治、文化和社会角度提出缓解社会不公正问题的对策路径。 关键词:科学发展观;社会公正;和谐社会;原则;路径 Scientific Outlook on Development from the Perspective of Social Justice Abstract Rawls described justice is the primary value of the social system. Social justice is the social development of our country s final demand, but now with the modernization of the development, problem of social injustice is more and more prominent, has become restricts our country future stumbling block for sustainable development. Although the community attaches great importance to this issue and the formation of system of research results, the author still hope that through absorbing the previous ideological crystallization under the premise of scientific outlook on development, will be the important guiding ideology and the reality of Chinas social injustice problem of combining thinking analysis, elaborated on this topic research personal opinion. This article mainly is composed by three parts. The first part is mainly about Marx theory on social justice theory in the development of innovation, specific analysis of the Marxist authors, theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the scientific outlook on development to the theory of social justice research; the second part is though of the Chinas current social economic, political and social injustice in the disc



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