《Lesson 107 Machismo》.pdf

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《Lesson 107 Machismo》.pdf

The Bob and Rob Show Study Guide Lesson 107: Machismo date: October 14, 2007 file name: bobrob 10-14-07 Show notes Machismo, makeesmo, macheesmo or whatever you call it, we are talking about the assumption that virility, strength, courage and the entitlement to dominate are all characteristics of masculinity. Are Bob and Rob Macho men? We think not.…(may be) Phrasal Verbs and Idioms to power up To switch a machine on eg: Well, shall we go get some coffee while we wait for the computer to power up. Note: slang - to get energy before exercising eg: I eat lots of meat in order to power up before a work out. Idioms: (to have) guts To have the courage to do something eg: Asking someone out on a date takes guts. / It takes guts to say youre sorry. Bonus idiom: to spill your guts To open up and talk about all of your problems or to reveal something you didnt want to talk about eg: It took a few beers, but finally my father spilled his guts about his money troubles. Another common expression is to spill the beans. AJESS Today we looked at expressions to use when you are guessing: Id say...hes going to win the fight. Could it be...that women dont really want a macho guy? Perhaps its...going to be a quick fight. It looks like...he will be the champion again. Its difficult to say, but Id guess...Joe is the toughest boy in our class. Joke Bubba tells us a joke about a hotel and being unable to please a woman. Both Sides of the Pond (US) tank top/ sleeveless undershirt (UK) singlet (US) clean someones clock (UK) beat them hallow (US) longshoreman (UK) docker (US) Chopper (UK) helicopter (US) nerd (UK) studious/square Song Im not a macho man, by Ugly Bob. See more at Quotes The tragedy of machismo is that a man is never quite man enough. Germaine Greer Ive always had a problem with the average macho man - theyve always been a threat to me. Kurt Cobain 1 Show transcript B



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