《Lesson 116 Choral Hodgepodge》.pdf

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《Lesson 116 Choral Hodgepodge》.pdf

The Bob and Rob Show Study Guide Lesson 116: Choral Hodgepodge. date: December 16, 2007 Show notes According to Bob, this was the worst hodgepodge show ever!! Well, we’ll let you judge for yourself and hope you continue to listen to us again. Phrasal Verbs and Idioms To put something up 1) to raise something from a lower to a higher position eg: In class, we usually put our hands up when we want to ask something. 2) to fix something into place so that it will be seen more clearly eg: The teacher put the children’s posters up all over the classroom’s walls. 3) to build / construct something eg: Across England, builders are pulling down these old council tower blocks that were put up in the 1960s. 4) to increase the price of something eg: The Japanese government is planning to put up the consumption tax again. 5) to provide or lend money to someone for something eg: Sarah put up half the money for the deposit on their house. IDIOM: “Cut me some slack” To give someone a break, to lay off them, to not give someone a hard time (literal sense is the slack in the rope from climbing). My boss is always nagging me and complaining about my work; I wish he’d cut me some slack. EXTRA IDIOM: “to be not big on something” To not be enthusiastic about something eg: Im not really a party kind of person, Im not very big on meeting new people. BONUS IDIOM: At the end of the day This a fairly new phrase (at least in Britain) and is now very widely used. It means ‘ultimately’ eg: England couldn’t get into the 2008 Euro football championship because at the end of the day they just weren’t good enough. Joke Bubba tells us a joke about a farmer in a bar telling a story about milking his cow. Enjoy. Grammar blues We gave some tips on the definite article (the) With plural and uncountable nouns, we dont use the when talking about general things. We use the when we believe the listener understands who/what we are talking about, or when other words in the se



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