《Lesson Two - American Politics and Government》.ppt

《Lesson Two - American Politics and Government》.ppt

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《Lesson Two - American Politics and Government》.ppt

Political Systems and Government in America American Culture and Society Shandong Normal University Professor David Alexander Treaty of Paris Treaty of Paris Recognized US as an independent nation Established thirteen states in a new nation and territory to the Mississippi River Northeast Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Hampshire Mid Atlantic Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York and New Jersey South Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia Unclear about a future political system Constitution was badly needed Articles of Confederation Articles of Confederation Articles of Confederation Each state had it’s own government States had agreed to work together Delegates sent to a national congress Only problems the states couldn’t handle alone Raise money to pay debts of war Establish a money system Deal with foreign nations and make treaties Articles of Confederation Failed, because states refused to cooperate. Congress had no authority Could not tax – only the states Convention set in Philadelphia to work it out Constitutional Convention All participated except Rhode Island Play Videos #1 and #2 The Constitution The Constitution The Constitution New form of government Written in simple and clear language Set up a federal system – strong central government Power shared with the states Election of national leaders and a president Three branches of government Each with their own powers Balance of power Preamble – We the people “promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” Majority of states needed to ratify or support (9 of 13 states). “Bill of Rights” added to state freedoms and basic rights. The Constitution Play Videos #3 and #4 Three Branches of US Government Three Branches of Government The Legislative Branch Elected representatives from each state Senate Two elected senators from each state (6 year terms) House of Representatives (2 year terms) Number of congressmen ele


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