《Analysis of microstructure formation in gas-atomised Al–12 wt.% Sn–1 wt.% Cu alloy powder - p》.pdf
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《Analysis of microstructure formation in gas-atomised Al–12 wt.% Sn–1 wt.% Cu alloy powder - p》.pdf
Materials Science and Engineering A 454–455 (2007) 252–259
Analysis of microstructure formation in gas-atomised
Al–12 wt.% Sn–1 wt.% Cu alloy powder
C.J. Kong, P.D. Brown, S.J. Harris, D.G. McCartney ∗
School of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Nottingham,
University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK
Received 24 August 2006; received in revised form 3 November 2006; accepted 7 November 2006
The microstructure of gas-atomised Al–12 wt.% Sn–1 wt.% Cu alloy powder has been investigated using scanning and transmission electron
microscopy. Powder particles above approximately 8 m in diameter exhibited a cellular–dendritic solidification morphology comprising -Al
dendrites and interdendritic Sn. In smaller powder particles, with diameters less than approximately 8 m, the microstructure comprised an -Al
matrix with a dispersion of sub-micron Sn particles. The size of the dispersed Sn phase decreased with decreasing powder size (i.e. increased
cooling rate). The formation of this dispersed phase microstructure is explained by the existence of a metastable liquid-phase miscibility gap in
the system such that the reaction L → L1 + L2 occurred prior to the onset of solidification in particles below 8 m in size. A heat transfer analysis
was used to estimate the undercooling for the nucleation of -Al in droplets cooled at different rates. The nucleation undercooling predicted for an
8 m diameter droplet was 260 K and this represents a critical value which must be exceeded to enter the immiscibility region. The above value is
in reasonable agreement with the temperature of the metastable immiscibility boundary, calculated from thermodynamic data, which occurs a
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