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2 0 0 5 10 36 10 * 孙 军 桂长林 汪景峰 李 震 李志远 , , , , , , , : : T H 117 : A Coupling Analysis on Strength, Stiff ness and Tribol ogy of Shaft-bearing System Sun Jun Gui Changlin Wang Jing fengLi Zhen L i Z hiyuan ( H ef ei University of Technology Abstract Hydrody nam ic lubricat ion charact eristics of a jour nal bearing consider ing misalignment - . cau sed by shaft defor mat io n w ere analy zed in shaf t bear ing sy st em T here w as obv io us of fsett ing distr ibution of f ilm pr essure and increase of m ax imum f il m pressure on t his condit ion . Based on lubrication analysis of jo urnal bear ing , t he st ress dist ribut ion of shaf t w as calculat ed by u sing film pressure that calculat ed as bo undary condit ion of load. T he results show ed t hat there w as obviou s chang e w it h st ress dist ribut ion and great ly increasing of st ress near t he distr ict act ed by max imum f ilm pressure. T he st reng t h of shaf t w ould be af f ected remarkabl y. Key wordsShaf t -bearing syst em, St rengt h , Stif fness , T ribo logy , Co upling , , [ 1] [ 2, 3] , , , , , , , , , , : 2004 06 07 * ( : 50 175023 , 230009 126


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