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安利(中国)公司营销案例分析 姓 名:赵思超 指导教师:赵岩 学 号:200705820 班 级:营销071班 摘要 直销行业在国外约有50年的历史,进入我国己有10年之久。对我国来说还是个新兴行业,人们对它的看法褒贬不一。本文以著名直销企业安利公司为例,介绍了安利公司的发展历史、规模以及营销策略。安利公司的销售额从1998年的9000万人民币发展到2004年的近200亿人民币,这是一个惊人的速度。目前我国有13万人从事安利事业,他们的月平均收入在1000元人民币以上。但随着安利公司在我国的营业额的扩大,一些问题也暴露出来,这也是我国政府抑制多层次直销的原因。 本文在调查研究的基础上,考虑直销是一个全球公认的营销方式。本文第一部分首先介绍了直销的相关概念和理论,其中包括直销的起源与发展,直销的概念,并区分了直销与非法传销。第二部分分析了安利(中国)公司的销售体系和奖金制度。第三部分对安利(中国)公司的销售体系和奖金制度进行了分析。最后本文针对安利直销提出了自己的建议。 关键词:直销;销售体系;奖金制度 Abstract Direct Selling has nearly a history of 50yearsabroad,enter our country for 10 years. It is still a new and developing trade to our country,the views on it People hold different attitude. This text has introduced the developing history,Scale and marketing tactics of Amway Company by selling Amway Company of enterprises directly to house holds a famously as the example. The sales amount of Amway Company grow from 90 million RMB in 1998 to nearly 20 billion RMB in 2004,this 15 a surprising speed.130000 People are engaged in Amway’s undertaking in our county at Present,their average monthly income is above 1000 yuan. But with the enlargement of the turnover in our country of Amway Company,some questions are exposed this suppresses the reason sold directly to households at many levels in our government too. In this paper, based on the investigation to consider is a globally recognized direct marketing. The first part introduces the concepts and theories related to direct marketing, including the origin and development of direct marketing, direct marketing concepts, and distinguish between the direct and illegal pyramid schemes. The second part of the Amway (China) Companys sales system and bonus system. The third part of Amway (China) Companys sales system and bonus system were analyzed. Finally, Amway direct sales for the proposal put forward their own. Keywords: Direct Selling ; Sales tactics; Bonus system 目录 摘要 2 Abstract 3 一、理论及概念 5 (一)直销概念 5 1.直销的起源与发展 5 2.直销的定义 5 (二)传销的概念 6 1.传销的定义 6 2.非法传销 7 (三)直销


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