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河北农业大学 本科毕业论文 题 目: 学 院: 专业班级: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 指导教师: 年 月 日ABSTRACT Along with the market economy development and the people living standard enhancement, the residential district already became the people settled down set industry the first choice, the plot owner to the housing itself artistically, the quality requirement is more and more high, simultaneously also requested to the plot property service and the management high. This paper simply introduced the knowledge and technology the system involved. “Community property management system were introduced in detail the whole process of project development, including requirements analysis, overall design, module partition, and the content of the implementation process, etc. In the final analysis to summarize the problems encountered in the process of system development of and the solution. This system uses Jsp network programming technology, the front-end develop uses Myeclipse development environment, the backend develop using the MySQL database as a development platform. The system mainly achieves the self-information management, the vehicle information management, user information management and order information management. Used in the daily management of car rental, intuitive interface, the operation is simple and convenient. Keyword:Plot property,SP technology,MySQL database 1.绪论 1 1.1项目开发背景 1 1.2项目开发的意义 1 2.系统分析 2 2.1可行性分析 2 2.2 小区物业管理系统的需求分析 3 2.3 功能说明 3 2.4 系统网络应用原理 4 3.系统设计 4 3.1 系统功能分析 4 3.2物业业主服务子系统功能模块图 6 3.3数据库设计 7 4.系统的详细设计与实现 13 4.1登录模块 13 4.2功能模块 16 5.总结 19 结束语 20 参考文献 21 致 谢 22 1.绪论 1.1项目开发背景 随着人民生活水平不断提高,人们对生活环境要求日益提高,尤其是对居住环境不断提出新的需求,为了适应这种形式,小区的经营者不仅首先要有坚实的硬件基础,还要有一套现代化的物业管理系统。而要实现这一功能,就职求物业管理者配备一套高效的管理住处网络系统,以便在小区内快速地发布和获取住处并以最快地速度响应用户的需求,及时为用户提供服务,为住户提供一个高效、舒适的居住、生活环境。住宅小区的物业管理准确地讲应当是指对以居住为主要功用的物业进行管理。除住宅外还应包括公寓、别墅等。 本物业管理系统的开发,是为了规范住宅小区的管理工作,为物业管理部门提供一套高效、快捷的应用软件。适用于管理以下物业,房产业主、大中小型物业管理公司、物业服务提供商、房地产开发商、物业中介公司等物业管理企业,用来管理公寓、住宅群体、智能小区、商品房、多层住宅、



