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Dreamweaver MX + MySQL + PHP An Approach to Web Enabling Databases Peter Connell Table of Contents Elements4 The Database5 Alf2 account and MySQL database. 5 Creating Tables in MySQL 6 Using SQLyog - Populating the MySQL database7 The Web-Based Interface 11 Site Definitions12 Dreamweaver MX – MySQL Connection 14 Creating Pages in Dreamweaver 17 Template 17 Menu Page 18 Form to Query Student Addresses 18 Exercises 23 Training and Publications I.S. Services Page 2 Web Enabling Databases in TCD The following is taken from the College Web Administration pages at http://www.tcd.ie/Webadmin/Technical/other.html#database Database Support Database support is available on the web server using PHP and MySql. Access databases may not be used directly but these, and any other ODBC compliant databases created in other applications, may be imported into MySql. Anyone wishing to create or use a database should first email webmaster@tcd.ie with a request for an initial database to be created and access permissions for the database to be assigned. There are basically two steps in setting up a database on the web. The first step is creating and populating your database and the second is providing a web interface so a user can access the database via a browser. These two functions are currently supported on the web server by, respectively; 1. MySQL MySQL allows us to create a database on the web server. Rather than”“trying to use it directly on the server theres a free application called”“MySQL Front which will run on your PC and while you can use to”“connect to your database, a



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