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中 文 摘 要 目的:探析“肺与大肠相表里”理论在小儿哮喘治疗中的作用,客观评价肺肠 合治法治疗小儿哮喘的有效性及安全性,为今后拓展本法在小儿哮喘的临床应 用奠定理论基础及提供临床依据。 方法:通过对“肺与大肠相表里”理论的中西医文献加以总结分析,探析“肺 与大肠相表里”理论在小儿哮喘中的临床运用,并在此理论基础上配合通调大 肠法治疗小儿哮喘,进行临床疗效观察。临床观察部分,以60例符合小儿哮喘 急性发作期诊断,年龄在1岁到14岁之间的患儿为对象,采用自身前后对照的 实验方法,在GINA方案的基础治疗上配合肺肠合治法,以7天为一疗程,系统 观察综合临床疗效及治疗前后主症、次症积分的变化并进行统计学处理分析。 结果:经一个疗程治疗后,主症及次症积分与治疗前比较,显著下降,P﹤0.01, 有显著统计学意义;治疗对咳、喘、痰、鸣、紫绀等单个症状或体征有明显改 善作用,与治疗前比较,P﹤0.01,有显著统计学意义。1 个疗程的临床总有效 率达到95%;且通过观察发现,治疗后大便情况出现改变的哮喘患儿较之于无改 变者有更好的临床疗效(98%>83%)。经随访1个月发现,患儿停药后疗效基本 巩固;所有患儿在治疗期间均未发现有不良反应,安全性评价为1级。 结论:1、传统理论“肺与大肠相表里”在哮喘的治疗中有着重要的指导意义; 2、通调大肠法是佐治小儿哮喘的有效治法,与其它治法相结合能较好地 缓解哮喘患儿的症状体征,其疗效肯定,安全性高,值得推广应用及 进一步深入研究。 关键词:小儿哮喘 肺与大肠相表里 肺肠合治 通调大肠法 临床研究 Abstract Objective: In this paper, under the guidance of Mentors, through the literature study and research ,we study the effect of the theory of interior and exterior relationship between the Lung and the Large intestine in the treatment of bronchial asthma in children, and in accordance with the basic Chinese Medicine theory of interior and exterior relationship between the Lung and the Large intestine , we raised in a method of purgation and regulate the large intestine in the clinical treatment of asthma in children. We take a clinical research,and observe its effectiveness, safety and make an objective assessment, for future expansion in the clinical application of this Act laid theoretical basis. Method: In the part of theory reserch,we summarize and analyze literature of traditional chinese medicine and western medicine which mentions the theory of interior and exterior relationship between the Lung and the Large intestine . According to this theory, we raise the treatment of purgation and regulate the large intestineto assist the cure of the bronchial asthma in children.In the clinical study, the main observation is the clinica


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